
Should You Get Lip Implants?

24/05/2013 15:25

Many trends come and go, but one thing that’s always in vogue is full, rich lips. A woman with full pouty lips is always considered sexy and desirable. Those who are lucky enough to be born with such features can show off their lips. However, not everyone can naturally have such lips. In fact, some are even born with thin lips. However, with technology today, you no longer have to be satisfied with what you are born with. In fact, there are many types of surgeries to cater to almost any type of need. One way to get full pouty lips permanently is lip implants.

lip implants before and after

Many people today get injectibles for their lips to make them full and pouty. However, these only last a few months, or at most a few weeks. A lip implant is permanent. Just check out some lip implants before and after pictures to see how these implants can make a dramatic difference. With such implants, anyone can get those full Angelina Jolie-like lips that will be the envy of everyone. Make sure you consult with a certified surgeon if you are a good candidate for such a surgery. Find a surgeon you feel comfortable with and trust.

Facial Fat Grafting: Rejuvenate Younger Appearance

07/02/2013 14:47

Fat grafting is a surgical treatment where in excess fat cells are moved to an area of the body that requires filling in, usually the face. Usually the lips, cheeks and eyes are parts prefer to have improved with facial fat grafting.

During a fat grafting treatment, cells are extracted from excess fat storage in areas of the body such as the thighs and stomach. These cells are inspected for whole fat cells that are inserted into the body area where improvement has been asked for. After the treatment, the patient will experience a bit of bruising and soreness and might be requested to avoid doing certain activities and to have pain medication, depending on the nature and size of the fat grafting. Risk and side effects of fat grafting treatment can be seemed instantly. The part might be swollen or appear larger than you would wanted for, after the surgery, but the swelling will eventually subside. For some individuals, results are long lasting, but other might require returning for follow-up treatments.

In addition, all treatments have the risk of complications and side effects. The most usual complication is under-filling. Shifting of the graft is also concern, as well as infection, if the injection was not performed properly. A lumpy surface of the graft may occur if fat cells bunch jointly after injection. Thus, it is highly recommended to find a reliable plastic surgeon. Discuss with your surgeon; your realistic expectations, the side effects, complications and other concerns regarding facial fat grafting treatment.  

Benefits of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

28/01/2013 15:23

Cosmetic eyelid surgery has various benefits for most people. In this treatment, a cosmetic surgeon eliminates portion of the excessive skin in this surface. In some cases, removal of the skin happens to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Any person who has dropping looking eyes with wrinkled or hanging skin in this surface must find a cosmetic surgeon. However, the results a person has will differ. Generally, minor treatments can have a large improvement on a person’s overall appearance.

If an individual has eyelid surgery, the cosmetic surgeon will execute treatments particular to the person. Surgeons can modify the treatment t suit the person’s needs. This treatment can be very satisfying for most individuals. Many people have undergone this treatment to have youthful looking skin. The treatment eliminates wrinkles and motivates the improvement of youthful, tighter skin. In some cases, individuals having tired-looking eyes will benefit. The surgeon can eliminate tissue that is blemished or discolored.

The skin in the facial area intends to droop as people age. The more dropping that arises, the more issues this can give. For others, the elimination of excessive tissue can help to revitalize vision when these tissues hang on the eyes. Some men and women having puffy looking skin can also undergo eyelid cosmetic surgery.  This swollen appearance can deform the face and can give unpleasant appearance differences. The elimination of excess skin can revitalize the natural appearance. Individuals who have eye bags, there are not anything worse than attempting to cover the hanging and discolored skin.  

Why Choose a Plastic Surgeon in Orange County?

16/01/2013 16:33

Plastic surgery is a normal procedure these days. With technologies advancing to rapidly, there has never been a safer time to get plastic surgery. People who’ve always wanted a slimmer body can get liposuction, while those who want fuller breasts can get a breast augmentation. Some people may want to improve their facial features with a nose job or cheek implants, and they don’t have to worry about recovery time as many techniques and tools are used today to make sure these procedures are minimally invasive and produce less trauma. If you’ve decided that plastic surgery is for you and you are truly ready then the next step is to find a good surgeon.

orange county plastic surgeon

Finding a surgeon should be easy, especially if you look right here in Orange County. But with so many people flocking to New York or Beverly Hills, why would you want to look for an Orange County plastic surgeon? The truth is, there are numerous talented surgeons in the OC. The trick is finding the right one.

orange county plastic surgeon

Why would you want an Orange County plastic surgeon? For many reasons, that’s for sure. First, you don’t want to travel very far, especially when you’ve had major surgery. You want to be able to get rest at home and having to go and travel long distances may not help you in your recovery time. Having a surgeon right near your home is more convenient, not to mention you’ll be able to feel better knowing he or she is only a quick drive away.

Get Beautiful Lips by Lip Enhancement

13/12/2012 16:11

Those plump and pouty lips seem to have a lasting effect, maybe because those soft and full lips look sensuous and sexy and it gives the look of youth and vigour. In any case, eye-catching lips certainly have a long history of appeal.

lip enhancement

Today, there are several ways to get those full and sensuous lips that your genetics fails to endow you with. The number of lip enhancement procedures is growing by numbers every day. Women use these enhancement methods for two major reasons – either they want to have a perfect view of what they consider asymmetrical lips or they basically want a fuller overall appearance.

lip enhancement

Whether you’re looking for a short-term solution to enhance your lips for a special occasion or you want permanent or a more lasting solution to add volume on your lips, there are several products and lip enhancement procedures that claim to provide these needs, from cosmetic lipsticks, or non-surgical procedures to cosmetic surgeries, you name it and you’ll have it. You can also read some online forums, articles, and blogs about the latest trend in lip augmentation process. Of course, you may also want to check on the price of each procedure and try to find out which bets fits your needs.

what is Blepharoplasty?

09/10/2012 15:14

Blepharoplasty is a surgical eyelid modification and one of the common surgical procedures that involves the eye. During the surgery, the eye physician eliminates excess fat and skin tissue or repositions them. Surrounding tendons and muscles can be resistant during the procedure that is both functional and cosmetic in purpose.


The surgery is gaining more popularity these days but recent medical technologies made it quicker and easier to perform this procedure. Many people are afraid when it comes to surgery particularly if it involves something as important as a person’s vision. Blepharoplasty often used for functional purpose and is not entirely cosmetic. If you have a great deal with your upper eyelid skin, the skin can sag over the eye and make a problem particularly when driving. It hinders with your vision, making it difficult for you to perform certain activities like reading.


Eliminating the excess skin can help you see well and makes more safety on the roads. You can also notice an older individual in your family with sagging eyelids and this can be solved by this type of surgery. It can be hazardous, so it is important to find the right solution and to find a reputable physician as well.

How IPL Photofacial Works?

05/09/2012 15:33

Reduce the signs of aging, sun damage and revitalize your skin with IPL Photofacial or Intense Pulsed Light. This remarkable technology uses a wide light scale to target redness, broken capillaries, age spots, wrinkles and fine lines. An intense light will be applied in a gentle series pulses on the treatment area. The light absorbs through the skin. At the start, age spots and sun spots will become darker and eventually peel off in a few days. 

During the treatment, the area treated is purified with a mild purifier and a series of IPL photo facial light pulses will be applied. Treatments are very effective for uneven skin tone on the neck, chest, hands and face. You can obtain a healthier skin appearance with no pain, no downtime and no dangerous procedures. In fact you can immediately resume usual activities. This treatment can be easily combined with wrinkle fillers and Botox.


You can get some information on the internet about IPL laser treatment. You can contact many different clinics for consultation appointments and service details. It is always important to seek out for a professional cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedures to avoid you from any complications as well as to assure better results.

What to Know About Cosmetic Eye Surgery?

14/08/2012 14:02

At present, beauty improvements are becoming popular and practical solutions to any problems found in the body. Eye enhancement procedures are ideal to correct any vision problems of a person or eliminate signs of aging. Most people these days choose to consult their surgeons regarding cosmetic eye surgery.

There are a lot of methods involving the whole procedure and the cosmetic surgeons usually perform these either in their office or in a hospital. However, before you undergo these processes, you should understand all the necessary things involved.

There are different types of eye cosmetic surgery in correcting eye problems. The surgeon can perform different types of incisions that can enhance the appearance of sagging and wrinkled eyes.

Understanding the Advantages of Breast Enlargement

24/07/2012 17:32

Most women these days are experiencing the comfort of breast enlargement, breast lift Las Vegas procedures.

Cosmetic surgeons in Las Vegas are very knowledgeable about the different types of breast enlargement procedure options. Unlike breast implants, the breast lift procedures can help you achieve a sexier shape and can also help you to avoid breast sagging.  Obviously, breast implants cannot treat sagging breasts, cannot defy gravity and lift breasts, worst they can increase the volume of your breasts that will bring a chance to sag more.

The decision of increasing the breasts size with the used of implants can lead to recurrent sagging. The breast lift procedure can be the best option, it can reduce the surgery expense, keeping out implants cost and can avoid irregularity as well. Breast lift Las Vegas can maintain the normal proportioned of your breasts or if it is smaller, it can enhance a lasting breast lift results.

About Abdominoplasty in Las Vegas

11/07/2012 15:02

Abdominoplasty Las Vegas is a treatment that entails a cosmetic doctor removing away the stubborn hump of fat. Excess skin which contributed to the rolls and hump in your abdominal area can be removed too. There will be no risk in your stomach muscles. You can able to see more definition and tone after the treatment. However, you should be prepared before undergoing the treatment. Getting prepared for this surgery can make your revitalization much easier to handle.

After the treatment, you will experience some discomfort, so it is preferable that you do some advance preparation to minimize your discomforts. It is also helpful to drink a lot of water. Your body cells need enough water to help them revitalize. Proper conditioning of your body can help you heal yourself well. You should not be dehydrated. It can cause you some serious illness or complications with your stomach. Being mentally and physically ready is truly important before abdominoplasty.

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