How IPL Photofacial Works?

05/09/2012 15:33

Reduce the signs of aging, sun damage and revitalize your skin with IPL Photofacial or Intense Pulsed Light. This remarkable technology uses a wide light scale to target redness, broken capillaries, age spots, wrinkles and fine lines. An intense light will be applied in a gentle series pulses on the treatment area. The light absorbs through the skin. At the start, age spots and sun spots will become darker and eventually peel off in a few days. 

During the treatment, the area treated is purified with a mild purifier and a series of IPL photo facial light pulses will be applied. Treatments are very effective for uneven skin tone on the neck, chest, hands and face. You can obtain a healthier skin appearance with no pain, no downtime and no dangerous procedures. In fact you can immediately resume usual activities. This treatment can be easily combined with wrinkle fillers and Botox.


You can get some information on the internet about IPL laser treatment. You can contact many different clinics for consultation appointments and service details. It is always important to seek out for a professional cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedures to avoid you from any complications as well as to assure better results.